The games on Friday:
Today was the sports day . We didn't end up running a game, but as a house captain/student leader I stepped up and really tried hard to make the games enjoyment for everyone. By helping our junior class and be a role model to them.
Putting the flags up:
Recently the house captains have started putting up and taking down some care values flags. Each afternoon Sam W , Monique and I take down the flags. In the morning Jack, Jonathan, Samara and Sam L put them up. We take them down at 2:45 each day and I always make sure I remember. The flags are taken down from stands on the ground so I make sure to not pull the stand out of the ground by being careful. I also showed leadership by walking around the school respectfully with the flag because it is easy to hit people.
The learner quality I showed and how I showed leadership:
The learner quality I showed this week was collaborate because I collaborated with Sam W and Monique to make sure we were doing the flags on time. I showed leadership by showing by care values when walking around the school and showing integrity by making sure all the house captains get a fair go when taking/putting the flags up.