L5 Author’s Purpose follow up
I can describe the author's purpose in relation to structure and language choices in a text and give relevant evidence (e.g vocabulary used)
I can compare and contrast differences in the author's purpose in relation to structure and language choices between different texts.
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The author’s purpose is to persuade the readers.
The specific language/ structure choices that the author has made to support their purpose are:
The Language they have used is strong and direct, meaning it is pointed out at the problem they are having with the graffiti. Example: Have the people who put up billboards asked your permission?
The language they have used is sarcastic because they of the sarcastic questions they put in the text Example: Professional artists do not hang their paintings in the streets, do They?
The language they have put in the text is quotation marks to show that they are not happy with what is going on or they do not believe it is true. Example: "artistic works"
The Structure they have used is in one letter they have used no paragraphs even when it is necessary , but in the second letter they have used paragraphs. I think that they could of structured it that way so in the second letter they would give you a break and split her ideas up. Example:
Who pays the price for graffiti? Who is ultimately paying the price for advertisements? Correct. The consumer. (Paragraph)
New Paragraph:
Have the people who put up billboards asked your permission? No. Should graffiti painters do so then? Isn't it all just a question of communication – your own name, the names of gangs and large works of art in the street?
Think about the striped and chequered clothes that appeared in the stores a few years ago. And ski wear. The patterns and colours were stolen directly from the flowery concrete walls. It's quite amusing that these patterns and colours are accepted and admired but that graffiti in the same style is considered dreadful.
The structure they have used: They made the text short and 1 page so people would pay attention to what they are saying and be bothered to read it. Example: it is one page.
The structure they have used is: They have used rhetorical questions to make you listen and pay attention.
Specific language choices in the 3 texts:
Structure of the 3 texts:
They all use advanced and Technical words to make the text more interesting.
They all add different types of sarcastic questions even in Entertain
They all use strong language ,which makes you listen and pay attention to the speaker.
They all have some type of image, but in Entertain it is a picture and in persuade it is often a graph.
Most of the texts use the same types of font and text.
They all use some type of paragraph which makes it similar to the other texts.
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The author’s purpose is to persuade the readers that spider-man can exist in real life.
The specific language/ structure choices that the author has made to support their purpose are…
The structure they have used is graphs and pictures to
The Structure they have used is cute picture of geckos to persuade the fans that the amount of sticky pads used would have to be the size of a gecko.
The structure they have used is between each paragraph they have a picture to give you a break and make the setup nicer and neater.
The language they have used is Technical language Example: amphibian, compensate, polymer.
The language they have used is to make a point and show their ideas. But researchers at California's Stanford University were not willing to kill the dreams of every Spider-Man fan. By pointing out and making their point to not kill dreams of spider man fans by showing what you have found.
The language they have used is: persuasive because they are trying to persuade you that they are right. Example: The researchers said that the web-slinging hero could never exist in real-life. And it is not due to the lack of radioactive spiders, but because humans are simply too big to skitter up tall buildings.
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The rat
Part four
number two 1997.
The author’s purpose is to entertain because it is a story in a journal ( Which kids read)
The specific language/ structure choices that the author has made to support their purpose are:
The structure they have used is: They have set it up like a diary, so you can see what she is going through each day and how her life is getting better throughout the weeks.
The structure they have used is pictures, so you can see what is going on and imagine being in the girl's life and imagine what she is feeling, when you see the picture.
The structure they have used is a big title in Faded pink coloured text in about size 16 and and Dark purple text in a bigger size, so you know it is entertain because they wouldn’t have coloured text if it was inform or persuade.
The language they have used is a range of advanced words because instead of putting fired they used the word redundant to make the text more complex.
The language they have used is sarcastic words and sentences example: “Mrs Hansen's got this really awesome idea- not!”
The language they have used is ensuring and makes you believe that what the person is saying is true. Example: “Don’t be pathetic. you won’t feel like that for long”
In the Entertain text it is the only text that used ensuring and makes you believe language.
In the Entertaining text they didn’t use rhetorical questions, considering it was a story.But in the persuasive text they used them to make the text more interesting and make you listen and understand their point of view.
In the the amazing spider-man text they used more advanced language than the other two texts.
Some of the difference between Entertain and persuade is that they add more pictures and have colorful titles and stuff, so it is more seriously than persuade.
In the persuade texts they set the writing up differently, because in Entertain they made it a range diary entries to entertain the readers but in the persuasive texts they set it up simply and in a boring way by using simple paragraphs.
In the Graffiti text they added no images it was just text.Which is different because the other two texts had heaps of images.
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Walt: I can evaluate writers’ purposes and consider how they have used structure and language to suit there purpose
Here is my follow up sheets for my authors purpose reading goal.
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