Thursday, 3 March 2016

Merit evidence- Librarain Reading to the juniors

Today,  I helped Tracy with librarian with Zainab (who I mentor) because Alex had to stay in since she didn't complete her homework. First,I helped Tracey put all the books away and then helped her as she returned and issued the books. I also asked Mrs Ward whether Zainab and I could help her when the year 7s at camp.  We are helping on Friday, which is Leadership because we are helping out Mrs Ward and helping around the school.  
On Thursday: 
I read to the juniors myself because Zainab was at choir. I read to two girls. I read some books about Barbie  and Spot the Dog books. They really enjoyed the Barbie books and one of the kids was in room 14 which is the new entrants class and she really enjoyed it. The other girl I read to was in room 17 and I had helped her earlier in her class. 

The learner quality I showed was Communicate  because I communicated with the kids to understand what books they liked best and made sure they got an option. 
By Alicia
Refernces: Cracking the cover , Stepintoreading
Here is one of the books I read. 
I also read Spot the Dog books.

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