Wednesday, 4 May 2016

House Captain Evidence - Excellence 12

On Monday we didn't have a leaders meeting, but Mr Ladbrook told the student leaders to have a talk to Mr Brown. Xanthe, Reia, Dylan and I showed up at morning tea to talk to him. He told us later today that he will email a form about what game we will be playing at the cross country next Thursday. I made sure to check my emails every hour. 

At assembly:
I was a role model when the leaders sat at the front because I showed the assembly care values so the little kids would follow. I also made sure to participate in the waiata actions and exit and enter the hall without talking to the other leaders. 

The Form:
When the google form arrived with a due date of Wednesday Jack and I made sure to get it completed on time. The questions were:

  • House leaders name.
  • What game we are playing?
  • What equipment will you need?
  • What rules/ instructions will you explain?
We are playing trickey tag, we were going to play capture the flag, but we decided it was too complex. 

Taking the flags down:
This week I made sure to check with the other house captains to see if I was needed to do the flag. I put the flag up the days when I was needed since it is a roster. I made sure to do it!

Care value form: 
The care value form is a form used to keep track of the classes care ticks. All the house captains with their partner fill the form in for people in their house who need care ticks filled in. We do it at relax and read and relax and write which is after lunch. Since I have access to the form I made sure to not cheat. 

Leadership survey:
As part of our statistics unit each group peer mediators, pals and the student leaders are creating a survey for the rest of the school on how we are going. The student leaders questions are:

  • What year level are you in?
  • What year are you in?
  • Boy or girl?
  • House?
Next their are 2 questions for each leadership positions. Cultural ambassadors, sports co-ordinator, house points, head students and house captains. 

The house captains questions are:

  • What would you like to see happen in your house?
  • What have you liked about your house this year? 
The learner quality I showed and how I showed leadership? 
The learner quality I showed was collaborate because I collaborated with Jack and the other house captains to come up with survey questions, organize the care ticks and the flag, and choose our cross country game. I showed leadership by not slaking off with duties and showing the care values. 
References: Oaklands.School

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