Friday, 29 July 2016

House Captain - Distinction evidence 12

Today there wasn't a student leaders meeting at morning tea. 

At the welcome back assembly the student leaders sat up the front. I made sure to be a positive role model when I was sitting up the front. I did this by showing the assembly care values, they are: 

  • Enter and exit respectfully.
  • Clap/laugh politely when appropriate.
  • Focus on the speaker or presentation.
  • Listen respectfully.
  • Sit quietly.
  • Follow the assembly expectations.
I showed all of them and earned a care ticks for the value focus which was Focus on the speaker or presentation.

On Tuesday morning Mr Ladbrook informed us that the flags haven't been getting done, I made sure to step up as a leader and on Wednesday morning when the rest of the house captains were at the winter tournament and the flags were not put up. I got Zainab and Lauren to help me put them up, I made sure to respect the flags and be careful when holding them because sometimes they can hit people. When we were putting them up the door was locked so I used my active thinking skill and went to the office to get some keys. 

Care value/ How I showed leadership/ How I have continued to be a good role model: 

The care value I showed this week were all of them because I showed all my care values at the assembly and around the school. I showed leadership by being a role model at assembly. I have continued to be a good role model by being careful with the flags and role modelling postive behaviour around the school. 

Libraian Distinction evidence 11

On Monday I had library mentor with Tracy and Wariesha. Alex M helped because there were a lot of books to be put away after the holidays. I worked well so I would get all the books done by the end of lunch. I made sure to be a friendly librarian and respect the books and equipment. Afterward when everyone was gone, I made sure to clean the library up and collect the books from the floor. 

On Thursday I had librarian. (Reading to the Juniors) with Zainab and Honor. First we headed to the library to collect the books and bean bags. Afterward we headed down to the juniors area in search of kids to read too. I found two kids some of the books I read too them included Barbie: The Princess And The Popstar, Barbie The Fairy Secret, Kippers Birthday, Kiss Kiss,Yuck Yuck, and more. The kids seem to really like the books I was reading. At 1:20 we headed back to the library to allow time to return the books and beanbags. As we were heading back some kids wanted to show us some Gymnastics they were doing. I made sure to be respectful. Overall I think today was a really good reading session because all the kids seemed to be listening really well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. 

On Friday I helped Honor with reading to the juniors because Makayla was feeling unwell and had to go to the sick bay. First Honor and I collected around about 10 books to read. Next we grabbed two beanbags and headed to the juniors area. I read one book to a girl named Selena and afterward read about five books to another girl. Some of the books I read were Sofia The First, Frozen and more. Overall I think this was a really successful session and hopefully all sessions are as successful.  

The care value I showed, How I showed leadership and how I have continued to be a good role model:

The care value I showed was Active thinking because I was a active thinker and stepped up when Makayla had to go to the sick bay. I showed leadership by motivating kids to read and stepping up as a leader. I have continued to be a good role model by showing my care values in the juniors area and role modelling positive ways to handle books and beanbags in the junior area so the juniors can follow. 

Getting involved at koru games practice and around the school- Distinction evidence 10

On Thursday at Koru games practice I got involved. I am now in touch for koru games, because the netball B team wasn't able to compete in the koru games so they had to move to either touch or volleyball. I ended up in touch, which is not my favorite sport in the world, but I still got involved. First we did a warm up - the warm up was to run around the field while passing a ball. Afterward we did a passing drill. We also practiced attacking and defending by having a small game. We also played a big game at the end. I think I got involved in this game.  The main skill we were practicing was staying in a line while defending. I think I improved my touch and learnt a lot. Next week my aim is to catch the ball better and stay behind the person with the ball so they can pass to me more easily, instead of having to ask me to move. 

This week I have also been getting involved at morning tea and lunch time. I either do my leadership duties, play on the playground and talk to my junior buddy's.  

The Care value I showed / How I showed leadership/ How I have continued to be a good role model to other students:

The care value I showed was Excellence and Community because I tried my best and played safety which is under excellence in playground/field. I showed community by getting involved and sharing and using equipment fairly which is under community in playground/field. I showed leadership by role modelling positive behavior to others in the team. I have continued to be a good role model by showing my care values and getting involved in the correct areas. 

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

WALT apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.

WALT apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.

Improvisation TECHNIQUES that I have used successfully are being creative and working with others to make the improvisation.

Improvisation TECHNIQUES that I would like to have more practice at are not laughing when performing and speaking louder.

The thing that I enjoyed most about this unit of learning was learning a range of different games because it was fun and challenging playing them.

The thing that I found most challenging during this unit of learning was being able to make things up quickly on the spot because I am not so good at it and sometimes find it hard to think quickly.

My favorite improvisation game was selling a object game because it was really fun and helped me think quickly on the spot.

My next step/ something I need to work on further  in improvisation is speaking loudly because I need to work on this. I also need to face the audience.

My CARE Progress

I have done a check of my CARE progress so far this year.

I am proud of my progress because I have earned my bronze and have started working towards my sliver at the expected time.

How far away are you from reaching your BRONZE/SILVER?
I have just started aiming for sliver and am hoping to get my sliver by the end of the term.

The area of CARE that I need to try harder in is C / A / R / E because I need to focus on contributing to class and group discussions which is under classroom in active thinking.

To achieve my BRONZE/SILVER award quicker I need to aim to show a mix of all the care values, so I can achieve my small care certificates quicker.

The one thing that I can do to improve my progress in CARE is to show my care values in all parts of the school, for an example in the assembly and the playground.

Friday, 8 July 2016

House Captain- Distinction evidence 9

Today the student leaders sat up the front at the assembly. I made sure to show my care values and be a good role model. I also made sure to co-operate when the student leaders had to move, so the junior and senior choir could perform. I also was a role model by doing the school waiata actions while we were singing, even though I am not very good. Lastly I made sure to enter and exit the hall respectfully because that is under community in the care values. 

Care ticks: 
On Monday morning I was asked by Emily if I could do her care ticks, I agreed and did them, which was being a good leader. 

This week we have also been reviewing our action plans, we haven't been doing so well with ours, but will start organizing it next term at the next leadership meeting. Our action plan was to organise a game of predator by promoting the game, deciding on the rules and organizing the equipment. 

The learner quality and care value: 
The care value I showed this week was active thinking because I have reviewed my action plan and thought about my next step carefully. The learner quality I showed was collaborate because I collaborated with the other student leaders this week. 

How I showed leadership: 
I have showed leadership by steeping up and doing people's care ticks before school, when I didn't have anything to do because some people do not do them. 

How I have continued to be a good role model:

I have continued to be a good role model by showing my care values and role modelling positive behaviour in assembly when I am sitting up the front. 

Helping out around the school- Distinction evidence 8

Last week Mrs Ward asked a few people to help out at Maori language week,she told us that Mrs Baker would send out an email later that week with all the information. I made sure to check my emails and read all the information,as well as reply and tell her I am free.

On Monday in the notices,there was a notice to tell all the Maori language week helpers to come to an meeting in Room 13 at morning tea. I made sure to tell Mr Ladbrook that I wouldn't be able to attend the leadership meeting. We then split into groups, to figure out who was doing Kauri(Tuesday)and who was doing Kakano (Thursday). I am doing Kakano with Honor, Makayla and Mollyanne. On Tuesday Lauren, Jessica, Zainab and Jacob Hill are doing Kauri. For the Kakano students they are doing some basic weaving and making paper lanterns.The Kauri are weaving stars and doing 3D Origami stars. Here are some pictures of what we are doing:

The day before, I made sure to practice making the paper lanterns and have a look at the weaving so I would know how to do it and would be able to help more.   

On Thursday Honor,Makayla and I headed to the library straight after the bell rang,to help with Maori languages week.Jessica,Emma and Lauren also helped because it was pretty crazy! I made sure to add the event to my google calendar and get it to reminder me daily, so I would remember to turn up. Firstly we sat the juniors down and made sure no kauri students were in the library.Secondly Mrs Ward introduced the activity and we handed out paper, crayons and books for the kids to lean on. After that they decorated the paper and we drew a line for them to cut along (for the handle) after that we helped fold the paper for them and got them to cut it making sure they cut the right way!! Lastly we helped then glue it together. 

I also helped pack up and was a good leader when helping. 

Learner quality/care value, how I showed leadership and how I have continued to be a good role model to other students: 

The learner quality I showed was resilience because it was quite hard getting everyone to cut the right way and listen. The care value I showed was community because I was a good leader and displayed all the care value. I showed leadership by kids to do it themselves and keep trying, I also showed leadership by helping them not doing it for them. I have continued to be a good role model to other students by showing the care values when helping out and role modelling positive behaviour. 

Kakano Paper lanterns.

Library- Distinction Evidence 7

On Monday I had library Mentor with Tracy. Since Tracy hasn't finished her home learning I started filing the books. I made sure to put them in the right place and not just dump them anywhere. I also made sure if I saw a book out of place I would put it in the correct place. I also made sure that when I was on the desk, I was polite and kind. When it was 1:20 Tracy and I made sure to close the library and pack it up, I did this by putting pillows/beanbags back in the right place and picking books up from the floor. I personally think that I was a good leader at librarian. 

On Thursday I didn't have Reading to the juniors because I was helping at Maroi Languages week, I made sure to tell Mrs Ward this, instead of not telling her. 

On Friday I helped Honor and Makayla with Reading to the juniors since I wasn't able to do it on Thursday. When the lunch bell rang, I headed straight to the library with Honor and Makayla. First we choose some books to read and grabbed the beanbags to take. Next we headed down to the junior area and searched for kids. I read to one girl for about 25 minutes. I read her a range of books including Spot Stays Overnight, Spot’s First Easter, and some Lego friend books. She seemed to really enjoy them. At 1: 25 we headed back to the library to allow time to return the beanbags and the books. 

Lerner quality and care value / how I showed leadership/ how I have continued to be a good role model: 

The care value I showed was respect, because I was respectful to the kids at the library. The learner quality I showed was collaborate because I collaborated with Honor, Makayla and Mrs Ward. I showed leadership by motivating kids to read. I have continued to be a good role model by showing my care values to Mrs Ward and role modelling them while I was reading. 

Term 2 Te Reo Reflection

Term 2 Te Reo Reflection:





Extended Abstract
I can say 1-5 words about celebrations in Te Reo Maori.  
With help, I can ask and answer several questions about celebrations, using Te Reo Maori.
I can ask and answer several questions about celebrations,using Te Reo Maori.
I can ask and answer a range of questions about celebrations,using Te Reo Maori. I can teach others these questions and answers.

In Te Reo this term I have been learning about using vocabulary around food (Kai) and celebrations (Ngā hākari)

Here are some sentences, with english translation in brackets, that I can say confidently (list 3-4).
  1. He aha te mea pai, ki a koe kei to pāti?, (What do you like about your party?)
  2. He pai ki a koe te/ngā _______? Do you like _______?
  3.  He aha ō mātou pirangi? ( What do we need?)
  4. Kāore, e pai ki ahau te/ngā                   ( I don't like               ) 

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

WALT: I understand the features of different types of texts and text forms.

WALT: I understand the features of different types of texts and text forms. 
Link to the modelling book
Here are the links to my follow up activitys. 
Next step: 
As I read I can make decisions about the usefulness of the text for the purpose - Eg: by using a variety of criteria to evaluate
- the readability,
- accuracy,
- relevance,
- status (eg: peer reviewed or personal opinion) of the information and ideas I find.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Distinction evidence- Librarian 6

On Monday I had library mentor with Tracy. Firstly I finished my lunch outside the library before starting my duty. Secondly I put away the books with Tracy, I did the picture books and non-fiction. Tracy did the novels, senior fiction and junior fiction. There was a lot of books to put away, so I made sure to stay on task. Thirdly we issued/returned the books, I made sure to be police and kind. Lastly we closed the library and cleaned up, by putting any books on the floor away and putting pillows in the box. 

On Thursday I did reading to the juniors with Honor and Zainab. When we were choosing the books a girl in the library asked if we could read her some of them. I read her some books of her choice inside the library. I got a beanbag from out the back for her to sit on, because the kids really like the beanbags. I read Care Bears Catch The Christmas Spirit, Doc Mcstuffins Brontosaurus Breath, All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth, Cirold Goes On A Trip and many others. Honor and Zainab brought some books to the junior area to do there reading. We finished reading to the juniors when the library closed to allow time to return equipment to the correct place. The girl I was reading to seemed to really enjoy the books and I think it was a really successful session. 

Overall, next week I am aiming to read to a few more kids, because today I was only reading to one girl. 

The care value I showed was Community because I put books and equipment (Beanbags) back where I found it, which is on the care value chart. I showed leadership by showing integrity. I showed integrity by being fair and listening to the girl I was reading too option on what book we were going to read instead of choosing myself and not being fair. I have counited to be a role model to others by showing the library care values and role modelling them to others in the library and the junior area
Refernces :  Books.googleAmazon

Distinction evidence- House captain 5

Bake Sale:Thursday.
On Thursday there was a bake sale, to raise money for our Wellington trip at the end of the year. At 10:40 the student leaders set up for the bake sale. We brought six tables out. (Two for each area. Next we brought the food out, I made sure to ask Levi's mum, Sam L's mum or Emma's mum which table the food was supposed to go too. Afterward we found a table to help out at, making sure there was six at each table because there is eighteen leaders. Sam L, Dylan, Lauren, Samara, Honor and I went to help out at the middle school table. I made sure to go around the correct classes and tell them that they could come out. When the bake Sale started I made sure to speak loudly, explain the prices, and be kind. Mostly everything was sold, expect a few pieces of Thai food which was really good. When we were told to pack up, I made sure to help out by bringing containers back to the class and bringing a table back. 

We raised just under 900 dollars, which was a big improvement from last time, when we raised just under 700 dollars. We didn't have a Bake sale after school because there wasn't anything to sell! 

Care Ticks: Wedesday and Thursday.
On Wednesday and Thursday the student leaders did care ticks. I made sure to not cheat and listen/ communicate respectfully while doing the care ticks. I also made sure to look after the device I was using. I think I did a good job at doing care ticks this week and did my own care ticks in my own time, so I would have more time to do other people. 

Junior cross country: Thursday. 
On Thursday was the junior's cross country, the house captains had to wear house colours, I made sure to allow time at lunch time to change after reading to the juniors. The house captains were given a huge amount of pozis to hand out to kids running, kids listening and sitting down when insurtions were given. I handed out three huge lots of pozis and was a role model. I also encouraged kids by cheering them along and high fiving them to encourage them to keep going. I personally think I did a good job and was a positive leader. 

Care values I showed, how I showed leadership and how I have continued to be a role model: 

The Learner quality I showed was collaborate because I collaborated with the other student leaders/house captains to make the junior cross country and the bake sale successful :) I showed leadership by motivating kids to keep running/keep trying at the junior cross country. I have continued to be a role model to others by role modelling positive behaviour for the juniors to follow at the cross country :) :) :) 

Distinction evidence- Being a role model to the juniors 4

Today I was a role model to the juniors at the junior cross country. I was a role model by showing all the care values. Community, Active Thinking, Respect and Excellence. I did this when the teachers at the junior cross country were giving out instructions I made sure to role model positive behaviour, like not talking to the person next to me, because then the juniors would copy, Listening respectfully, sitting/standing quietly, being aware of the parents who had come to watch and giving pozis out to the kids who tried really hard. I also made sure to show the care values to the junior teachers and speak respectfully to them, so I could role model a positive way to talk to teachers to the kakano team, mainly the year threes. 

I am also being a role model every time I am in the junior area and around the school not only at events (Where the teachers are watching) 

Care value/Learner quality: 
The care value I showed was respect because I respected the teachers and showed respect while instructions were given. The learner quality I showed was be resilience because I was resilient when I found it hard. 

How I showed leadership:
I showed leadership by being a good role model to the younger students and stepping up as a student leader. 

How I have continued to be a good role model to other students: 

I have continued to be a good role model to younger students by being a role model at all the events we have and not just the ones I like.