Thursday, 30 June 2016

Student led conference reflection

The things I enjoyed most about my Student Led Conference were:
I enjoyed sharing my learning with my  parents and I specially enjoyed sharing my AsTTle results, so they can see how I am going in each area and what my strengths and weakness's are.  

What went well and why?

I think that my conference overall went well, because I used all the time to share my learning and they didn't have any questions which means I explained everything well. I also didn't have any spare time before the bell rang, so I was prepared well.

What were the challenges you faced when preparing and presenting your SLC?

Some of the challenges I faced when sharing my conference were, finishing in time, because I had a lot to share and explaining some of the groups I did in term 1, because it was challenging to remember what we did.

What changes would you make for next time and why?

I would change, what I added in the leadership section and would add some of the graphs/survey questions we did. I would also show my exposition when I compared Irene Van Dky and Taylor Swift. 

Monday, 27 June 2016

Walt: Use appropriate scales, devices, and metric units for length, area, volume and capacity, weight (Mass) , temperature, angles and time.

Rich Assessment Task: WALT:  Use appropriate scales, devices, and metric units for length, area, volume and capacity, weight.
Measuring is about making a comparison between what is being measured and a suitable measurement unit. Central to the development of measuring skills is lots of practical measuring experience. Also important is the reality that measurement is never exact.
Required Resource Materials:
  • Oranges
  • Measuring equipment including; rulers, scales, measuring jugs.
Activity: Complete the questions below:
  1. How can you measure an orange? (there will be multiple answers for this, list as many as you can think of). Think of the attributes of an orange eg juice.
You can measure an orange with:
  • Tape measure
  • Scale
  • Ruler (for the heights)
  • Measuring jug for the juice
2. Choose two of these attributes of an orange to measure and carry out the task. Write up a proposal for your investigation, including details on:
    • Attribute being measured
    • Equipment required
    • Method (step by step)
    • How will you present your results?
    • Write up your results
The two attributes we choose were the skin and the juice.

Here is a sideshow Zainab and I made:

 By Alicia. 

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Distinction evidence- House captain 3

Today we had a whole school assembly. The student leaders sat up the front below the stage. I made sure to be a role model while I was sitting up the front, I did this by entering and exiting respectfully, clapping and laughing when appropriate, focusing on the speaker or presentation, sitting quietly, listening respectfully and follow the  assembly expectations. I earned a care tick for doing these things, which was being a good role model. I was also a role model when I went up to the stage to receive my Excellence badge, I role modelled a positive way to collect something from the stage that other kids can follow. 

Care ticks this week: 
On Tuesday the student leaders did each other’s care ticks, since there was a lot to record. I made sure to not cheat and be quiet while I was doing them since the rest of the class was doing relax and read. We also did care ticks on Wednesday I did my care ticks before school because I had a lot to do. I then had more time to do other people's because a lot of care ticks were handed out over the last few days. I personally think that I am doing a good job at constantly doing the care ticks to a high standard each week. 

This week we also found out that we would be helping at the juniors cross country next week, which is on Thursday. 

The learner quality I showed, how I showed leadership and how I have continued be a good role model to other students: 

The learner quality I showed this week was collaboration because I collaborated with the people I was doing care ticks for this week to get them done. I showed leadership by doing my care ticks before school, so I can have more time to do other people's care ticks! I have continued to be a role model to other students by showing the care values in assembly and I am doing that every week when I am in assembly instead of just when I am sitting up the front and not at kauri assemblies. 

Distinction evidence- Librarian 2

On Monday I had library mentor. I finished my lunch before heading inside the library to start my duty. There were a lot of books to put away so I worked hard to get it done before the library closed! I made sure to ask the librarian if I wasn't sure where a book was supposed to go. I personally think that when I was on the desk I showed my care values and got books for kids, if they weren't tall enough. Overall I can't wait until next week’s librarian. 

On Thursday Honor, Zainab and I did reading to the juniors since it had rained we decided not to bring the beans bags because they might get wet! So we grabbed 9 books between us and headed down to the junior area. I found one girl, who seemed to really enjoy the books, I read about 7 out of the 9 books to her. Some of the books I read were "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" , "Barbie A Pet Vet" , "Spot Stays Overnight" , "A Dog Book", "A Caterpillar book" ,"More Spot Books and a few more. Some of the most popular books were obviously Barbie and the Spot the Dog books because the little kids like the flaps. After I had read about seven books, the little kids were starting to get bored so we headed back to the library. 

Overall I think that it was a very successful session even though we didn't have the beanbags. 

The learner quality: The learner quality I showed was be resilient because it was really hard to find kids to read too and I was resilient because I didn't give up and head back to the library without doing my duty!! I showed leadership by motivating kids to read the books. I have continued to be a role model by showing the care values in the junior area and using appropriate language and keeping my hands and feet to myself. 

Technology on the bus-Distinction evidence 1

On Tuesday we went to Technology at Lincoln Primary school. I sat with Zainab on the bus both ways. I personally think that I showed the care values on the bus I did this by: Being aware of others when entering and exiting the bus, displaying all the care values to the public, talking quietly to Zainab so the driver can concentrate, filling seats sensibly, using manners when entering and exiting the bus, respecting the bus and representing Oakland's school positively. I also showed the care values when I was in design I did this by: Cleaning up after myself, being aware of others, using my time wisely, contributing to class and group discussions, using appropriate language and keeping hands and feet to myself, listening to, and respecting, others' opinions, ideas and differences, respecting my own, and others', right to learn, following the book standards while doing my work, and knowing my learning goals and working actively to achieve them. 

At Technology we did kahoot. I was with Jessica, the Kahoot was about the design process, a slide show had just been showed about it. We got 10/10 and ended up winning. I think that we won, because we had been listening and looking at the slide show instead of just zoning out. We also had to interview a stakeholder and ask them questions about either a bed, bag or shoe they wanted to design; we then made prototypes of our stakeholders design. 

The learner quality I showed was collaborate because I collaborated with Jessica. I showed leadership by representing Oaklands positively while I was at Lincoln and showing the same behaviour I would show if at Oaklands. I have 
continued to be a role model to other students at Technology by walking around the correct way when we get off the bus, being respectful to the kids at Lincoln and being respectful to all the teachers. 

Friday, 17 June 2016

House Captain- Excellence evidence 25.

This week we didn't have a leadership meeting on Monday.
Care Ticks:
On Tuesday and Thursday the student leaders did care ticks. I made sure not to go too fast or I might accidentally click the wrong name/care tick. I also did my care ticks before school so when it was relax and read time I would have more time to do other people care ticks. Lastly I made sure to be police and respectful to the people's ticks I was filling in, I also made sure to sit in a visible spot so people could see me and there was room for them. Overall I think I did a good job at doing care ticks this week and will make sure to do the same every week not just some weeks!

This week I  was a role model by doing all my other leadership duties this week, for an example I did librarian on Thursday with Honor and Zainab, this was a very challenging duty, as most of the juniors were at dance group! 

The learner quality I showed and how I showed leadership: 
The learner quality  I showed was Communicate, because I communicated respectfully with my classmates, when I was recording their care ticks. I showed leadership by showing the care values and being a positive role model by looking after the computer I was using. I did this by holding it with two hands, overall I think I was a good leader this week. 

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Using a range of multiplicative strategies.

In Maths we have been learning to use a range of multiplicative strategies when operating with whole numbers.

The strategies we have been learning are:

- Estimate the reasonableness of large problems like 1 788 – 891. Could 497 be right?
- Use multiplication to solve addition and subtraction problems eg.
  64 – 48 = as (8 x 8) – (6 x 8) = 2 x 8= 16
- Use doubling / halving, trebling/ thirding and adjusting to solve multiplication problems,
 eg.  12 x 50 solved as 4 x 150= 600
- Use an algorithm to solve multiplication problems.
- Solve problems using simple cube numbers .

Here is a link to my Multiplicative Strategies Assessment which shows that I know why and how I use particular strategies. This doc also has screenshots to show which IXL activities I have completed as part of my learning. ( Multiplicative assessment)

My next step in my Maths Learning is to sit a measurement test.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Librarian this week - Excellence evidence 24

On Monday there was no library mentor due to Queens birthday.

On Thursday Honor, Zainab and I had reading to the juniors. We headed straight to the library when the lunch bell rang. First we collected a range of books including Barbie, Sofia The First, Spot The Dog and a few others. Next we grabbed two bean bags and headed to the juniors area. Now came the hard part, finding kids to read too. I found one girl, who really liked the books and even wanted me to read the sentence, then she would read it which was good that she was practicing her reading. At about 20 past 1 we headed back to the library to allow time to return the beanbags and books. We made sure to return the books to the corrcet place, instead of putting them on the trolley for filing. I made sure to respect the beanbags while we were taking them back to the library. 

Next time I think we should even the kids we read to out, because some of us were reading to about five kids and others one, so it would be easier to manage them and they would probably be listening better. 

The learner quality I showed was resillience because It was really hard to find kids to read to and it was hard to get them to pay attention and listen. I showed leadership by motivating kids to try and read the book themselves and give them a chance. 

House captain Excellence evidence- 23

On Monday since it was Queens birthday we didn't have a leadership meeting. 

On Tuesday afternoon Jack and my value lesson was shared to classes around the school. 

Care Ticks: 
On Wednesday we did care ticks. There was a lot to be recorded on Wednesday so I worked quickly and didn't waste time. I also did my own care ticks before school so I would get more time during relax and read to do other people's care ticks since there was a lot! I made sure to not go too fast, so I wouldn't click the wrong thing and give someone an extra tick, which wouldn't be fair. I also made sure not to cheat and give myslef more care ticks than anyone esle. Personally I think I did a good job of doing the ticks this week and was fair. 

The learner quality I showed and how I showed leadership:
The learner quality I showed was collaborate because I collaborated with others to complete the care ticks in a fair way. I also questioned because I asked questions to make sure I was adding the right tick in. I showed leadership by communicating respectfully and showing the care values, Community, Active Thinking, Respect and Excellence. 

Friday, 3 June 2016

Librarian- Excellence evidence 22

On Monday I had library mentor. Considering there wasn't much to do Tracy and I just filed the books and then Mrs Ward told us we could leave since there was only about five people in the library which wasn't so good. 

On Thursday Honor, Zainab and I had reading to the juniors we headed to the library after the bell had rang and waited outside until we had finished eating because you are not allowed to eat in the library. 

We then collected a range of books some of them included popular books like a Frozen book and a Barbie book. We also got Spot The Dog book, Strawberry shortcake and more. We made sure to get a mix of books, because not all kids like Barbie and sometimes we only bring Barbie books! 

 We then grabbed some bean bags to take with us, because it helps get kids to read too. 

 After we headed to the juniors area and searched for kids to read to. We found a lot and were reading to about 10 kids, which was really good. We read until 20 past to allow time to return the books and bean bags. 

Overall I think reading to the juniors was really successful and I hope next week's is just as good.  I also think that they really enjoyed it. 

The learner quality I showed was resilience because it was quite hard finding kids to start with and it was hard to tell whether they were listening!! I showed leadership by motivating kids to read and being friendly and kind to the kids we were reading too. 

House Captain- Excellence evidence 21

Today we had a leadership catch up during class time to look at the results from the survey we did recently. We then had to come up with our next step. For the house captains we decided to organize four games one for each term. The four we choose were invisible touch, capture the flag, multiball and predator. Jack and I are doing predator, we created an action plan about the steps we need to do to complete this game they were:

  • Organizing the equipment.
  • Deciding on the rules. 
  • Promoting the game. 

At morning tea on Monday we had a leadership meeting. We watched a Grip Leadership video about being organized the three tips we got from the video were:

1) Write it Down.

2)  Put everything in its place.

3) Preparation is key. 

I personally think I am doing all three of these things and I apply them in my leadership duty each day.

Care ticks:
On Tuesday the student leaders did a big lot of care ticks. Once we were told to sit up, I choose a visible/sensible place to sit, so people could see me and clearly talk to me. Another thing I did was make sure to click the right things, I did this by not going too fast! I made sure to be friendly and polite to all the people that needed care ticks recorded. We also did care ticks on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 

Cloakrooms slideshow:
At the leadership meeting Miss O'Connor told us that we would be adding pictures to one of the values lesson slideshows. Jack and I got cloakrooms. We were told that this would need to be completed by next Friday. (So we had two weeks to do it) We took the pictures on Thursday to make sure to get it done by the due date. On Friday we added it to the slideshow. I think that to get this complete I used the tips from the GRIP leadership video. 

Learner quality and how I showed leadership: 
The learner quiatly I showed was Collaborate because I collaborated with all the student leaders. I showed leadership by doing my duty and not cheating, which was being a leader. I also showed leadership by completing the slideshow before the due date and doing it at a sensible time near the end of the week because we would have more SML done. 

Knowledge of Vocabulary

Walt: Have a large vocabulary that is connected to my own knowledge about the world. 

Here is an activity I did about Vocabulary. We did about four of these and each text we learnt something new about the world. Some of the texts we read were:

Here is my Vocabulary activity for Underground explorers

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Void: an empty space or vacuum.

Fluorescent: able to give off visible light after being exposed to a source of heat, light, or other form of energy.

Vulnerable: Able to be hurt or injured.

Interconnected: To connect or cause to be connected one to the other or others.

Seldom: Not often; rarely.

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Example/Non Example
Is a void messy? Why or why not?
Void is not messy because it is a empty space and it wouldn’t have anything in it to mess it up.
Which color is the most fluorescent at night? Why?
Yellow and white road are fluorescent at night because they can be seen easily in the dark.
Why are elderly people more vulnerable than children? Why?
Because they are less stable and older, also children are younger and more flexible and full of energy.
Which is more interconnected; a vine or a dandelion? Why?
A vine because they are connected to the plants and a Dandelion is just in the ground and isn’t connected to anything.
Which is more seldom; the Olympics or an election in NZ? Why?
The Olympics because it happens every four years and NZ elections happen every three years.

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Word Associations
The plants in the garden are die during a frost
There were lots of different paths that joined each other
I made a shot from halfway while facing backwards.
We are still exploring  outer space.
I can find my key ring easily in the dark.

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Word Relationships

How might each pair of words be connected?
They are similar because people that are Vulnerable can be easily hurt which means if something is Fluorescent then it would light up to help them not get injured. If it is dark when they are driving and there is a  road sign that is Fluorescent they would be able to see.
They are similar because void means an empty space and interconnected means connected together so an empty space could be connected to something.  

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Extended Writing
Think of a time when you felt as though you were in a void or when you saw something that happens seldom. Write a paragraph about this.
A time when I thought something was seldom was when I was shooting a netball goal was a far distance and I got it in and the position was long distance and people rarely got it in from that location. Then when I tried it again I didn’t get it in. It was kind of luck.
My next step is to set a new reading goal.