Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Peer mediator -Gold

Today I did peer mediation with Zainab ,we walked around the Junior area and  buildings. My whole group did not turn up which was sad and not showing leadership to the school.  We didn't really see or hear any problems. It was good to see when we were  on duty that all the PAL groups were on the field,which was  good to see. We saw that everyone was being nice to each other. I think we were helpful to the school,by doing our duty and turning up. We turned up at the dot of 1:10 which was when we started. I look forward to peer mediator,each week and enjoy doing it. 
This is what I liked about it:

  • Helping around the school
  • Seeing junior students having fun
  • Helping solve problems
  • Showing leadership to the school
   By Alicia. 

Gold Evidence PALS

Today Sam W,Zainab and I did pals,with the Kakano team. We started To play a game of Paper,scissor,rock. It didn't really work cause the little students,did not really understand the game so we changed it to Duck,Duck goose,which went really well because ,lots more students came,and They really enjoyed it. Lauren also helped us find kids to play,which really helped,we has about 20 little kids and they were all entertained by the games we has set up. I think we all showed leadership by doing our Duty and turning up because not all of our group did. 
I like PALS because:
  • I can be a role model
  • It is fun
  • We get to play games with the little kids 
Overall I can not wait until next week! 

By Alicia. 

My reading prove it

Sorry This is on the wrong way. Anyway I will be showing you how to
Analyse similarity/difference of language/discourse within/between texts. 

You need to find a Analyse,Metaphor or connotation language. Then you need to write what would happen if this part or  language feature was missing and why. I can do this by my self and know the language features. I am at extended abstract because I finished this sheet by myself.  

By Alicia  

Helping out around the school-Gold

Today Zainab and I  were helping out around the school by doing two things. 

  1. Filling in and helping someone who forgot to do librarian
  2. Returning senior books to the library.
When I was returning them to the library we saw that the book hub was a tip. There were books everywhere and they were all in the wrong place.  I decided to help the year 7 & 8 by cleaning the book hub. I was not impressed that year 7 & 8 could be so messy and have no respect. I cleaned the books up and put them in the right place. 

Overall I think the year 7 & 8 could be more respectful and we will definitly clean it again if it is still messy. We showed a lot of leadership:)
By Alicia.      

Monday, 29 June 2015

Friday, 26 June 2015

Librarian Gold evidence

Today Lauren,Jessica and I did library. Reia could not do it because it was winter sport. First of all we all put the books away. Than Lauren and I did the desk. I has to scan a lot of books and stamp them. I think I am getting better at getting books out,plus scanning them cause when I first became a librarian I was not very good. I am improving my skills at being a librarian and I look forward to next even week, Which will be in week two next term! I am showing a lot of leadership this year and week. 
By Alicia :) 

I pod monitor this week -Gold

Monday- Today Abigail,Lauren and I did them in the morning and in the afternoon Hayley,Abigail and I did them.
Tuesday- Today Abigail,Lauren and I did them in the morning and the afternoon. 
Wednesday- Today Abigail,Lauren and I did them in the morning ans afternoon. 
Thursday-Today Abigail,Lauren and I did them in the morning ans afternoon. 
Friday-  Today Zainab and I did them in the morning and afternoon.

Overall I will continue to do I pods every week.  
This week I did I pods all days and showed a lot of leadership.
By Alicia.  

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Pals gold leadership

Today Lauren and I did pals because there was know groups on we got about a group of about 30 kakano students and split them into groups one group was octopus  and sneak up granny and the smaller group played duck,duck goose with Lauren and I took the bigger group ,all of the students really enjoyed themselves and really liked having us play games with them.I Think I showed double  leadership by playing games with the kakano kids and  doing pals since no one was on without being asked . I showed double leadership by doing my duty.

Overall I think pals is a fun leadership role,and hopefully people do it cause it is good leadership and very fun! 
By Alicia

Getting involved Gold

Today Zainab and I got involved with our Winter sport ,It was soccer not personally My favorite sport to play on Friday!  But I still tried really well by running around and putting effort in learning the skills for the game. My team was not necessary my friends but I still went along with it. I ambit that it was quite fun and I wouldn't mine getting involved with it again. I showed leadership when our teachers were taking sport teams on the 

Overall I has fun and did my best because I am not very good at soccer. I also will get involved more next time. 

By Alicia


Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Peer mediator -Gold

Today Jasmine,Emily and I did peer mediator at 1:10. We  showed leadership by turning up cause Sarah did not . We walked around the buildings. When we were in the junior area ,we saw some kids in the wrong place. This was not good since it was muddy and there was a bit of Ice.   We went up to them and told them they were in the wrong place. They listened to us and moved to a different place. We also told a few other kids to keep in the right area. We  also finished solving a problem from the last group about a boy pushing a girl and the girl was chasing the boy,we sorted it out by telling them to say sorry and two wrongs don't make a right. We told people off for playing in the bush! Anyway  It was fun being a role model,helping out around the school,showing leadership  and having fun on peer mediator. 
The rest of the group did not turn up again ,well they have not turned up for about 6 weeks. 
By Alicia. 

Friday, 19 June 2015

I pods monitor gold Evidence

Monday: Today Abigail,Zainab ,Lauren and I did them in the morning and in the afternoon Zainab ,Lauren and I did them. 
Tuesday:  Today  Abigail,Zainab,and I did I pods in the morning and afternoon. 
Wednesday:  Today Abigail,Lauren,Zainab and I did I pods in the morning and in the afternoon Abigail,Lauren,Zainab , Hayley and I did them in the afternoon.  
Thursday:  Today we all did them in the  morning and afternoon.
Friday:  Today Abigail,Lauren and I did them in the morning and the afternoon. 
I showed a lot of leadership this week ,by doing I pods each day every week. I am helping out around the school a lot. 
By Alicia:) 

Respond using understanding and information prove it

Today I will be showing you how to respond using understanding and information. First of all we either 

  • Reread it
  • Question it
  • Connect it
  • Imagine it 
  • Predict it 
First of all you answer the question e.g of one of my questions. 
What does the text mean when it says this etc.  To get to multistructural you need to Identify a strategies. Than to get to relational you need to show the evidence in the text. 
By Alicia.  

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Walt: Use equations to represent practical situations

This is my maths prove it,I can do this task and am at extended abstract because I could teach others how to do this. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Peer mediator Gold badge

Today Zainab and I started peer mediator,we walked around and saw some senior girls playing in the sandpit,we has to tell them that it was only for little kids. After Sarah and Taylor joined us ,we want around the back to see if there was any problems. We did see some girls playing behind there with a older kid. We told them it was not a good Idea. I am a bit disappointing to see a year seven and eight playing with kids around the back!
I think I showed a lot of leadership by turning up on time. 
By Alicia  :) 

Monday, 15 June 2015

Leadership Evidence-Being a role model to kakano kids. Gold evidence

 Today Zainab and I were role models to the Kakano's because there were two year two girls who needed two more players for their game of toilet tag so we helped them find some kids to play. We also joined in as well which the girls really liked. It was also really fun!!  We also saw three girls drawing and suggested some ideas about what they could draw ! We also started an game of duck,duck,goose ,when more people came we left,so the kids has fun when we were there and when we were not. I think I showed leadership by helping the little kids, find friends and people to play with. We do not hang in the junior place as much because we want them to make there own friends in school:) 
By Alicia Close

Friday, 12 June 2015

My discovery changes.

Displaying IMG_0136.JPG
Here are the changes.
At my discovery today,we did not like what we has done,so we changed it. I think I am extended abstract with the changes and without.
Here is the old one.
By Alicia :)

Library Gold evidence

Today was Library ,every even week I get get excited about Library . Lauren,Jessica and I did library ,cause Reia was at winter sport. We got there on time and started putting the books away. It was good fun and it helped Mrs Ward . The library was super busy ,we has to get a lot of books out for people. I also returned some books as well. We closed the library at ten past one. It was hard to get everyone out,but we did. We packed it up as well, it was a bit messy. After I returned some books to the senior library for Mrs Ward. I showed a lot of leadership this week and today I have turned up to all my roles on time and been an role model.
What I like about being an librarian:

  • Helping Mrs Ward
  • Being an role model 
  • Scanning and returning books
By Alicia:)

I pods this week gold evidence.

Monday- Today Lauren,Zainab ,Abigail and I did I pods in the morning and the afternoon.
Tuesday-  Today Lauren,Zainab,and I did I pods in the morning and in the afternoon we all did them.
Wednesday-  Today Abigail,Lauren,Zainab and I did them morning and afternoon.
Thursday- Today Abigail,Zainab.Lauren and I did I pods in the  morning and afternoon.
Friday-Today Abigail,Zainab, and I did I pods in the morning and in the afternoon Zainab,Lauren,Abigail and I did I pods. 

I think I showed an lot of leadership this week with I pods,and will do them every day and week.
By Alicia :)

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Pals-Gold Evidence.

Today I did pals with Zainab because the rest of my group did not turn up, we did races with Lyle and Oscar ,and the Kids really enjoyed them, other kids also joined into our game and really liked it that the Pals came on, we were the only Pal group which was a shame ,But I think we did a really good job. We also played Doctors/Ant tag with them, which was really fun. I think I showed Leadership by helping these kids find something to do at lunch. We started our Pals Game at 12.40 and finished it at 1.25,so they has something to do the whole lunch time.I think I showed a lot of leadership.
Reasons I like PALS.

  • It is fun and you get to spend time with the little kids.
  • It is showing leadership.
  • We get to be role models and help out around the school

By Alicia.

Technology on the bus gold evidenve

Today Miss O'Conner was on the bus, and it was louder than ever, I could hardly hear what Zainab and Lauren were saying! Miss O'Conner was not unpressed, but I think I personally showed leadership on the bus, I didn't really talk to anyone cause it was so loud, but I think I did show leadership.  At technology I showed leadership, It was our first day at cooking I think I did well and tired really well. We made baked eggs with ham and cheese,I showed respect at Lincoln.  Next time on the bus I hope it is not as loud as today but I will always show leadership for our school whether I am at school or not!
By Alicia.

Peer mediator-gold badge

Today Sarah, and I did peer mediator,the rest of our group did not turn up again! So we headed out toward the juniors playground,and buildings. At first we has know problems,but then we ended up having an million. First of all a teacher has told some boys to put some books from the library into the classroom or the clock bay ,but the other boy wanted to put them in the classroom! We sorted this out by getting them to put them in the cloak bay ,or they would get lost.   The next problem was about some girls playing an netball game and one of them was not ready ,and missed the ball and she has to go to the back of the line,it kept happening. We sorted the problem out by telling the girls to just play  fairly ,when we came back it was sorted.  I has an lot of fun at peer mediator and are excited to do it next week. I showed leadership by turning up and helping out.
By Alicia:) 

Monday, 8 June 2015

Helping Out around the School Excellence Evidence

Today the librarians did not turn up to there duty, so Lauren, Zainab and I  asked if we could full in for them and be helpful. First we Scanned some books  and returned them  for Mrs Ward as well as helping put things away and pack the library up for Mrs Ward. We will fill in more often if people don't turn up for there duty,I think we all showed Leadership by being helpful.Our friends also wanted us to do other things but we wanted to be leaders and be helpful to the teachers by doing the job for the people,who didn't show leadership.
By Alicia.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Helping Little kids in the playground- Leadership Evidence Exellence

Today Lauren ,Zainab and I helped Lyle find some friends to play with because she was lonely and has no one to play with . We helped her found Emily to play with. She  follow the leader with her and hide and seek. We also helped them think of some games to play and joined in with them. We also did some races with them,because Lyle really loves races. It was really fun to help the little kids and they really enjoined it too. I think it was also a chance to show leadership  as well for the little kids.
By Alicia.